Monday, January 25, 2016


-Reduce consumption of other food and take only fruits, preferably papaya, till the problem gets rectified.
- Have a glass of warm water before going to bed, and then have normal cold water as soon as you wake up in the morning.
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-Slightly warm lemon juice, add pure honey and have three times a day
-mix one part lemon juice with two parts of warm water and gargle , as and when required
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Wednesday, January 20, 2016



  • 1 cup boiling water 
  • 1/2 inch ginger
  • 1 stick cinnamon
  • a squirt of lemon
  • brown sugar for taste
boil all the ingredients in water, strain the contents and drink twice a day.

heat half a table spoon of coconut oil, switch off the stove and add one camphor.the camphor will melt into the oil. Apply his on chest neck, back and forehead. Do not apply on mouth or nose, as it is not edible.
This can be done three to four times a day, or whenever required.

3. 1/2 tsp pure honey mixed with 1/2 tsp lemon juice to be taken on empty stomach, twice a day

4. Green grapes juice in empty stomach for cold and cough, and fever that arises due to cold and cough

5. Orange juice plus honey on empty stomach

6. Boil dates in milk and have it in empty stomach.

7. grind brown sugar and while pepper together and make a small ball, of approximately 1cm diameter, and have two balls in empty stomach.

8. freshly milked cows milk + turmeric powder on empty stomach.

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Tuesday, January 19, 2016


The Human body is one of the most wonderful creations of this Universe. It functions as a network, with each part doing its work continuously.  It works like a factory of interconnected parts. The basic necessity for all the parts to function properly, is good food and water. The body takes in the food, and starts breaking it, in the stomach, which is called digestion. Ultimately, after digestion, the goodies that are obtained from this food that we eat, are taken to each and every cell, for the proper functioning of the body, and the remaining toxic substances come out as waste in the form of faeces and urine.

The most wonderful aspect of our body is that , it has the capacity to cure any disease by itself.
You can watch the video by healer basket, to understand how diseases are caused in our body. Please go to the following link.

In this blog, you can get to know about simple home remedies, for some ailments.

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